What Kind of Creature Are You?

Several days ago, I took a 9-question test at Quiztron called "What Magical Creature Are You?". It's a multiple-choice personality test of sorts, but I'm certain that it has no scientific basis whatsoever. The Quiztron site lets anybody create their own test, so I think it's safe to say that nearly all of them did not originate from someone with a Ph.D. in Psychology. This particular test was apparently created by a girl who was between 13 to 17 years old when it was posted a little over a year ago. Nevertheless, the test was fun and took me less than a minute to complete. Reading the comments page, I found that possible results included dragon, elven warrior, and werewolf. Here's what I got:


You are dark and don't take s*** from anyone. You are a powerful creature and skilled in battle. Most fear you, but a few are on your side.

Skilled in battle? I couldn't help but laugh. Nevertheless, I liked the test enough to try another one. This time, I took a test called "What Dog Are You?", getting the following result:


A tough dog that stands it's grownd (scarry too)

I sense a pattern here. LOL.


Jclef said…
Haha - I love these! Here are my results...

Elven warrior

You are a creature of the wood skilled in magic and fighting. Many reguard your kind as the fairest in the land.You are immortal but long life haunts you, because you can only love one of your kind.


A calm but brave dog. One of the best out there
Jclef said…
BTW, Elysius...

You scare me now!

EC said…
They're telling me I'm a Fairy, and a Shih Tzu.

What kind of twisted tests are these anyway? ;)
Wyrin said…
I join Jclef as an Elven Warrior and a dalmation! just need 99 more of us ;)
Lariam said…
I once took one 'what magical creature are you?' test and the answer was mermaid. I couldn't muster the courage to take this test. I'm not even a good swimmer.
Frank Perez said…
Ha ha, those results are hilarious. They can't be taken seriously of course, but they're fun anyway. :D
Amraphael said…
"You are a creature of beauty. Every one loves you and you are very creative." -Fairy(!!) :(
"A tough dog that stands it's grownd (scarry too)" -Pitbull :)

Wonder what that says?

/The Scary Fairy Pitbull
Josh said…
Elven Warrior & Pitbull are my results.
Frank Perez said…
Among the pugnacious dogs so far, we have a demon pitbull, an elven pitbull, and a scary fairy pitbull. The last one is my favorite. LOL.
EC said…
Oh crap, that was the wrong url.

This is the correct one.
Frank Perez said…
LOL! I'd be snarling too if I were forced to dress like that.

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