Four months ago, I offered to write a tutorial for Casadechrisso on how to convert armor made by Skyrim custom content makers into NWN2 armor. I didn’t actually know how to go about it, but I assumed that it wouldn’t be too difficult for me to figure out. Well, Casadechrisso accepted my offer about two months ago, which is why I’m posting yet another tutorial series on game modding. I haven’t actually completed the conversion as of this time, so this blog post is as much a tutorial as it is a journal of my progress. Conversion Problems Converting model files between video games is not without its problems, especially if the games are very different from each other. For example, it is possible to convert NWN models to NWN2 models, but the results often look crude and blocky. Likewise, converting Skyrim models to NWN2 models may be problematic for two reasons. Firstly, Skyrim armor has way more polygons than are recommended for NWN2, which is still slow compared ...
But if you have time to output a model or two, that'll be great nonetheless. And in 11 months time, we should still be around ;), so we await your return in full force!
In the meantime, please don't be a stranger :)